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Duplet Wizard 1.2

Duplet Wizard 1.2

Duplet Wizard Publisher's Description

A duplet is a redundant copy of a file you already have. If you keep any kind of file collection on your computer, whether its composed of digital camera images, a music library or something third, you probably are very familiar with the problem of duplets. In browsing your collection you probably often met a file you thought were located somewhere else or that you were sure was archived under a different name. As your collection grows, you witness the organization of your files deteriorates and wonder just how much space is wasted on your drive. Duplet Wizard is written specifically as an easy to use solution to the above stated problem, by locating duplets and presenting them in a list for easy deletion. Although there are similar applications in existence, neither offers the speed nor the ease-of-use as Duplet Wizard.

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